Dear visitors!

For certain categories of visitors, the museum has discounted entrance tickets. You can get acquainted with their cost in the Price List of the Services. Please note that reduced tickets can only be purchased at the museum box office and upon presentation of supporting documents.

For questions regarding the return of tickets, excursion vouchers and subscriptions, please contact by e-mail:

The All-Russian Decorative Art Museum strives to provide a comfortable stay for all categories of visitors. The museum is equipped with specialized bathrooms, an elevator, internal parking for people with disabilities, wheelchairs.

The premises of the Fashion and Design Centre are fully accessible for visiting people with a violation of the musculoskeletal system.

Based on the historical features of the architecture, access to some expositions may be difficult for people with musculoskeletal disorders.

All rooms of the Fashion and Design Centre are available for visiting people with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, the permanent exhibition "The History of Russian Style: 1830s – 1900s”, exhibitions on the first floor and the permanent exhibition “Russian Lacquer Miniature” (except for the days when the installation/dismantling of exhibitions on the first floor is in progress – up-to-date information is available on the museum’s official website

To use the internal parking for people with disabilities, when planning a visit, please notify us by phone: +7(495) 609-01-46

Address and opening hours

Moscow, Delegatskaya st., 3

m. Tsvetnoy Bulvar
m. Mayakovskaya
m. Novoslobodskaya
10:00 – 18:00
10:00 – 18:00
10:00 – 21:00
10:00 – 18:00
12:00 – 21:00
10:00 – 18:00


The ticket office closes 45 minutes before the end of the museum. Payment by bank cards is possible.

Day of grace — Tuesday


Complex entrance tickets
600 ₽
Entrance tickets to exhibitions, permanent exhibition
400 ₽
Tickets to the exhibition "Russian Style. From Historicism to Modern"
300 ₽

Additional services


It is very important for us to know your opinion about the museum. We are waiting for your feedback and suggestions.

Cloakroom and storage rooms
В музее есть гардероб, куда вы можете сдать верхнюю одежду и поместить в камеры хранения сумки, рюкзаки, портфели, кейсы, пакеты, зонты и другие предметы, габариты которых превышают 30×40×20 см. Проход в залы музея с вещами, размеры которых превышают 30×40×20 см и которые не могут быть сданы в камеры хранения из-за своего размера или особой ценности, запрещен.
Photo and video shooting
В залах музея вы можете производить любительскую фото- и видеосъемку без использования вспышки, штатива и другого дополнительного оборудования.
Audio Guide
Получить новый опыт и впечатления от посещения нашего музея можно с бесплатным приложением ARTEFACT!

Сейчас мультимедиа гид на русском и английском языках с технологией дополненной реальности доступен в постоянных экспозициях «Русский стиль. От историзма к модерну» и «Русская лаковая миниатюра».

Интерактивный гид позволяет посетителю получить доступ к интересным фактам о коллекции музея. Просто наведите камеру телефона на экспонат или QR-код и узнайте о деталях предмета, нажав на «точки интереса», прочитайте развернутое описание в статье, а для тех, кто предпочитает слушать, в ARTEFACT доступен аудиогид.

Чтобы воспользоваться мультимедийным гидом:

1. Установите приложение ARTEFACT (скачать приложение бесплатно можно в App Store и Google play);

2. В экспозиции найдите предмет с пометкой AR, нажмите на кнопку «Распознать» и наведите смартфон на экспонат или на qr-код;

3. Нажимайте на «точки интереса» и узнавайте интересные факты о предметах;

4. Слушайте аудиогид и читайте статьи о заинтересовавших вас экспонатах.

The museum has a free Wi-Fi network. Registration is required to connect to the network. Please note that not all museum halls are covered by the network.
The cafe is open during the museum opening hours.
The shop is open during the museum opening hours.


Rules & recommendations for visitors

1. General Provisions

1.1 These Rules for visiting the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Culture "All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art" (VMDPNI, All-Russian Museum of Decorative Arts (hereinafter referred to as the Rules)), (hereinafter referred to as the Museum) are developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of 05/26/1996 No. 54-FZ "On the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation and Museums in the Russian Federation", Federal Law dated 26.06.2002 No. 73-FZ "On objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation", Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 15.02.2006 № 116 "On measures to counter terrorism", other regulations and determine the procedure for visiting the Museum.

1.2. The rules are aimed at ensuring the safety of the Museum building as an object of cultural heritage, as well as ensuring conditions for the public granting of access to museum objects and museum collections to the Museum visitors and are binding on all persons who are on the territory of the Museum.

1.3. The territory of the Museum is a building located at the address: Moscow, st. Delegatskaya, 3. The territory of the Museum within the framework of these Rules includes exhibition halls, halls for temporary exhibitions, stairs, corridors, recreational and service areas, lobbies and other areas accessible to visitors.

1.4. The order of work and the responsibility of the officials of the Museum for ensuring the safety of the Museum and the culture of serving visitors are determined by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the local regulations of the Museum.

1.5. Use for commercial purposes in any way, including in social networks, of images of the Museum's objects, obtained through photography, cinema and video filming, is possible only on the basis of an agreement with the Museum.

1.6. Photo and video filming by representatives of the media is carried out according to preliminary accreditation in the marketing and public relations department of the Museum. & Nbsp;

1.7. Visitors who violate the Rules may be held liable under the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Opening hours of the Museum

2.1. The Museum building, including exhibition halls and rooms for temporary exhibitions, is open to the public on the days and hours established by the Museum.

2.2. Information about the Museum's opening hours is posted:

  • on the official website (;
  • on information carriers in the entrance area of ​​the Museum building.

2.3. The opening hours of the Museum, including exhibition halls and / or halls for temporary exhibitions, may be subject to changes.

2.4. Ticket sales end 45 minutes before the Museum closes.

3. Entrance to the Museum and purchase of tickets

3.1. The entrance of visitors to the Museum is carried out with an entrance ticket, excursion vouchers, which include an entrance ticket, season tickets, which include an entrance ticket (hereinafter referred to as the Ticket).

3.2. By purchasing a Ticket, the visitor undertakes to observe public order and the established Rules on the territory of the Museum.

3.3. Tickets for individual visits to exhibition halls and halls for temporary exhibitions can be purchased by visitors at the Museum ticket offices, in the terminal on the day of the visit, or in advance on the Museum's official website.

3.4. Tickets for events, excursion vouchers and season tickets can be purchased by visitors in advance at the Museum box office or on the Museum's official website. For certain events, the Museum reserves the right to determine a special procedure for the sale of Tickets.

3.5. The Museum reserves the right to limit the number of Tickets for sale in one electronic order or in the hands of one visitor.

3.6. Visits to the Museum are carried out only with Tickets issued by the Museum in accordance with the established procedure. Tickets that do not correspond to the appearance approved by the Museum (including those with corrections made, missing mandatory requisites stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, corrected or sealed price) are invalid and cannot be returned. The Museum has the right to refuse visitors to visit the Museum with such Tickets.

3.7. The official website of the Museum contains a list of persons entitled to visit the permanent exhibition of the Museum:

  • with a discounted Ticket (payment of the cost of a Ticket at a discount);
  • with a free Ticket.

3.8. Persons who have the right to visit the permanent exhibition with a free or discounted Ticket shall present documents confirming the right to purchase a free or discounted Ticket at the Museum's ticket office when purchasing it, and at the request of an authorized Museum employee when passing through ticket control.

3.9. & Nbsp; Upon entering the Museum building, the visitor must go through the control line equipped with metal detectors and present personal belongings at the request of the police officer or the Museum's security department for inspection. Persons who refuse to present their belongings for inspection are not allowed into the Museum.

3.10. Visitors using pacemakers or other medical equipment that are sensitive to the effects of a metal detector should inform the Museum's police or security department prior to the examination procedure and provide proof of medical equipment. After that, the visitor can be examined without the use of special means.

3.11. Visitors in wheelchairs are examined using a hand-held metal detector in a non-contact manner.

3.12. Control of the visitor's visit to the Ticket validity area (exhibition halls, halls for temporary exhibitions, event areas) is carried out by an authorized person of the Museum, as well as using a turnstile. The ticket is not reusable.

3.13. In case of an urgent need to return to the entrance area after passing the control of the Tickets, the visitor must have a Ticket with him and contact an authorized person of the Museum to agree on the procedure for re-entering the exhibition halls, halls for temporary exhibitions and / or the event area. The Museum may use additional means of identifying visitors temporarily leaving the exhibition, temporary exhibition and / or event, including special stickers on clothes or disposable bracelets, which are valid only upon presentation of a Ticket. Re-entry to the exposition, temporary exhibition and / or event with damaged stickers or bracelets, or in the absence of a Ticket is prohibited.

4. Museum visitors are obliged

4.1. Comply with these Rules, public order and generally accepted ethical standards of conduct.

4.2. Provide the Museum staff at the box office when purchasing Tickets documents confirming the right to purchase discounted or free Tickets.

4.3. While on the territory of the Museum, present the Ticket at the request of the authorized persons of the Museum.

4.4. At the entrance to the Museum building, go through the security line equipped with metal detectors and provide personal belongings for inspection at the request of a police officer or the Museum's security department. Persons who refuse to comply with such a requirement are not allowed into the Museum.

4.5. Check in outerwear and place bags, backpacks, briefcases, briefcases, bags, umbrellas and other items with dimensions exceeding 20x30x40 cm in the lockers. 20x30x40 cm and which cannot be checked into lockers because of their size or special value, is prohibited.

4.6. Ensure the safety of the number from the wardrobe, the key to the locker and be liable in case of loss. A visitor who has lost a number or key should contact a wardrobe employee or an employee of the Museum at the information desk.

4.7. When visiting exhibition halls, halls for temporary exhibitions and event zones, turn off or switch to silent operation all communication facilities.

4.8. In case of discovery of abandoned items on the territory of the Museum, immediately inform the Museum staff about it and not take independent actions to move them.

4.9. In the event of material damage to the Museum (museum items, interiors, building), compensate for the damage in the amount determined by the Museum's expert commission. If the visitor does not agree to compensate for the damage caused, the Museum reserves the right to recover the damage in court.

4.10. In case of emergencies, follow the recommendations and instructions of the Museum's security department, police and other on-duty services of the Museum.

5. Visitors have the right

5.1. Get acquainted with the permanent exhibition and temporary exhibitions of the Museum.

5.2. Inspect the permanent exposition of the Museum independently or as part of an excursion.

5.3. Receive information on the procedure and conditions for access to exhibition halls and halls for temporary exhibitions.

5.4. Make amateur photography and video filming on the territory of the Museum, taking into account the restrictions imposed by these Rules (clauses 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5), strictly for personal (non-commercial) purposes.

5.5. To copy exhibits, interior elements on A4 sheets or less with a pencil or pen without an easel throughout the Museum. Other methods of copying are carried out with the permission of the chief curator of the Museum on the basis of an official request.

5.6. If necessary, move around the Museum in a wheelchair.

5.7. When visiting the Museum with children under the age of 3 years inclusive, use a stroller, while the Museum reserves the right to restrict the passage with strollers to certain parts of the permanent exhibition, temporary exhibitions or event areas. There are no designated areas for temporary storage of baby carriages in the Museum. The Museum is not responsible for a stroller left unattended.

5.8. Purchase museum products on the territory of the Museum in places specially designated for these purposes.