
15 may – 14 july
This is the second exhibition of tapestries produced by the famous French manufactory Jules Pansu at the All-Russian Decorative Art Museum . The tapestries were first presented at the museum in 2018 as part of the exhibition "Art de vivre: the art of living the French way". The second exhibition is a much larger project.
12 may – 6 june
53 circles, according to the number of weeks in 2020, return the viewer to every moment of the lived year, conveying the scale and the question: “What was this time sterile from impressions filled with from the outside?” and leaves the viewer alone with the endless reflections of the answer to it.
14 july – 7 november
30 july – 26 august
1 january – 19 march
14 september – 24 october
9 october – 7 november
На протяжении 300 лет в глубинке Рязанской области, городе Кадом, создаются тонкие и изящные игольные кружева – кадомский вениз, сочетающий сложные технологии кружевоплетения и вышивки.
30 october – 3 december
From October 30 to November 28, the All-Russian Decorative Art Museum hosts a personal exhibition of Gamzat Gazimagomedov, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Honored Art Worker of the Republic of Dagestan. The exhibition is dedicated to the anniversary of the author.
16 november – 10 december
East Meets West Gallery presents a new artistic and musical-poetic project "Visible and Invisible Music", which is the continuation of the curatorial theme of Tatyana Paleyeva engaging in the synthesis of different art forms in one project.
19 november – 25 november
The activities of the famous educator and philanthropist Maria Klavdievna Tenisheva (1858-1928) covered the Smolensk and Bryansk regions, Moscow and St. Petersburg and included education, art, science, and the promotion of Russian culture abroad.
1 december – 12 december
November 27 at the All-Russian Decorative Art Museum will open the third exhibition from the series "Designed and Made!". Designers Tatyana Babkova and Svetlana Katargina will present textile products inspired by the culture of Zaonezhie, an amazing, protected region of Karelia.
4 december – 20 february
The exhibition will feature over 150 exhibits: traditional costumes, the best examples of art crafts, handicraft and author's art of Dagestan masters in the field of metal and wood processing, carpet weaving, ceramics, modern types and techniques of creativity, examples of contemporary and naive art, rare photographs and graphics.
11 december – 23 january
Based on the collection of the collector Mikhail Vilkin and the funds of the All-Russian Decorative Art Museum, the exhibition provides an opportunity to get acquainted with the extraordinary craft of the masters of the Zlatoust Arms Factory, namely, decorative engraving on steel.
17 december – 9 february
17 декабря 2021 года в залах Всероссийского музея декоративного искусства галерея InGallery представит самый светлый и волшебный проект уходящего года - выставку «Новогодняя история игрушек».
18 december – 12 january
The All-Russian Decorative Art Museum opens an exhibition of Danil Karamushkin and Anna Ivanova, winners of the Grand Prix of the "Designed and Made in Russia" competition.
21 january – 10 february
The All-Russian Decorative Art Museum opens an exhibition from the series of personal projects of the winners of the “Designed and Made in Russia” competition at the Fashion and Design Center.
10 february – 27 february
Выставка памяти Анны Сокальской, дизайнера, географа, невероятно чуткого художника и человека. На выставке представлены совы из личной коллекции Анны.
4 march – 3 april
The Union of Theatre Workers of the Russian Federation holds an annual exhibition of Moscow theater artists "Results of Season 58" at the All-Russian Decorative Art Museum.
12 march – 10 april
Галерея InGallery представит во Всероссийском музее декоративного искусства выставку «Виктор Николаев. Дикая керамика», посвященную памяти художника-керамиста Виктора Николаева. Ретроспективная выставка охватит весь творческий путь художника – от студенчества до зрелости.
12 march – 10 april
The exhibition "Picturesque Rhapsody on Stone" is dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the creative activity of the lacquer miniature artist Svetlana Belovodova. As a miniaturist at the oldest center of Russian lacquer painting, Fedoskino, Svetlana managed to find her own niche in contemporary arts and crafts.
23 march – 10 april
The exhibition from the series “Invented and Made!”. Item designer and artist Uliana Khokhlova will present collections made from recycled cardboard.
31 march – 10 may
In the year of cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia, the All-Russian Decorative Art Museum hosts a jubilee exhibition of the Honored Artist of Russia Viktor Neplyuev, one of the brightest representatives of the prestigious line of Gzhel folk craft in small plastic.
16 april – 22 may
Russian artists, the creators of our national cultural heritage - from Russian archaic to avant-garde, have always been inspired by folk art, which was born in the depths of the collective unconscious of the Russian ethnos as evidence of an organic synthesis of the sublime and the everyday, creative fantasy, striving for utopian dreams of beauty and the need the necessity your daily bread by the sweat of your brow.
19 april – 22 may
Introduction (Latin introductio “introduction; introduction”) in biology is the relocation of individuals of any kind of animals and plants outside their natural habitat, to places where they did not live before.
27 april – 13 june
A private collection of locks and keys by Dmitry Zhdanov, illustrating the best works of blacksmithing, created at different times: from the pre-Mongolian and Golden Horde periods (IX-XV centuries) to the first third of the XX century.
20 may – 26 june
Exhibition project dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the pioneer organization. On May 19 in 1922, in the building of the All-Russian Decorative Art Museum, a conference of the youth society was held. Here and then a decision was made to form a children's pioneer organization.
21 may – 26 june
Collector Tatyana Udras presents an exhibition that will combine glass and crystal created at the Leningrad Art Glass Factory (LZHS). This factory, known for its experimental approach and innovative ideas, existed from 1940 to 1997, and once stood on a par with such glassmaking centers as the Italian island of Murano and the French factory Lalique.
20 may – 12 june
The All-Russian Decorative Art Museum opens an exhibition of new acquisitions in the wood collection.
12 july – 28 august
The All-Russian Decorative Art Museum presents a thematic exhibition "The Aesthetics of Bricolage. Untitled Art", the main exhibition of the project "Festival of Marginal Art: the aesthetics of bricolage", which will run until October 30.
14 september – 19 october
13 september – 10 november
30 september – 30 october
27 september – 25 october
The All-Russian Decorative Art Museum has become a partner and venue for the exhibition project "Rays of Light at the Junction of Epochs". Maria Blagoveschenskaya, a well-known Moscow art-manager, producer and owner of the Eternity jewelry house, is the director, curator of the exhibition and author of the exposition.
2 november – 6 november
"Take no kadze - the rustle of the wind in the bamboo grove, the colour of tea, the taste of bamboo" - an exhibition of Japanese art from the project "Nihon no Bi - Japanese Beauty". The exhibition commemorates the 500th anniversary of the birth of the great tea master Sen no Rikyu who formulated the aesthetic principles of tea art and the basic philosophy which, in many ways, became the foundation of contemporary Japanese culture. Followers of his teachings founded three of the most famous tea schools: Omotesenke, Urasenke, and Musyakuji-senke, which still exist to this day.
16 november – 15 december
The exhibition is dedicated to the history of Zaonezhskiy embroidery - one of the largest folk arts and crafts in Karelia. It includes more than a hundred pieces of embroidery from the end of XIX - XX centuries from the collections of museums and archives of Russia. About 30 pieces will be demonstrated to the public for the first time.
16 november – 25 november
"Ordinary Miracle" is the first exhibition of works by prominent Soviet and Russian film artists Mikhail Kartashov (1937 - 1999) and Lyudmila Kusakova (1935 - 2020) covering all kinds of their multifaceted creative work: sketches for films and theatrical productions, paintings, graphics, sculptural art objects and applied art.
25 november – 17 april
11 november – 11 december
On November 11 All-Russian Decorative Art Museum will open the first large-scale solo exhibition of Natalia Zanchevskaya, whose works are the central object of a sensual female image, which has earned the love of the audience long before its appearance in the walls of the museum.
22 november – 28 february
The halls of the All-Russian Decorative Art Museum present the best examples of Russian object design. The exhibits include over 200 pieces of furniture, interior items, textiles and tableware.
30 november – 7 december
17 december – 29 january
10 february – 19 april
The joint project by East Meets West Gallery and the All-Russian Decorative Art Museum "Fish - sign, totem. Mythology and Modernity" will be open at the museum from February 9 to April 19, 2023. It was envisioned about two years ago and from the beginning was intended for the All-Russian Decorative Art Museum of. It has been particularly interesting to see what authors, objects and works of art have been collected in the museum's holdings on this theme in recent decades.
29 january – 15 february
Выставка «Эмоции через фото» – это 60 очень трогательных и теплых фотографий, которые показывают, как позитивный взгляд на жизнь меняет самовосприятие в положительную сторону, как важно иногда изменить фокус своего внимания и увидеть красоту в самых обычных вещах, сконцентрироваться на своих чувствах, ощущениях.
3 february – 10 may
The exhibition marks the 80th anniversary of the defeat of the Nazis in the Battle of Stalingrad. This victory of the Soviet army was decisive for future victory in the Great Patriotic War. The exhibition will be a tribute to this great feat.
8 february – 12 march
The exhibition is dedicated to the work of one of the most famous and prominent jewelers in the history of Russia - Karl Gustavovich Faberge. Talented businessman, connoisseur of art, head of a dynasty of jewellery masters, supplier to the Court of His Imperial Majesty Nicholas II.
18 february – 29 march
From the 18th of February till the 29th of March 2023 the All Russian Decorative Art Museum is running the exhibition “THE SPINNING EPOCHS " which presents the artworks of modern decorative artists Tatiana Shikhireva and Nikolay Kononchuk. The exhibition includes more than 50 works in the technique of hot batik and tempera painting by Tatiana Shikhireva and wooden sculpture and artistic carving by Nikolay Kononchuk.
10 march – 26 march
From March 10 to 26, 2023 at the All-Russian Decorative Art Museum is a duo exhibition of Moscow artists Nina Belokhvostova and Julia Kalmykova, entitled "In one Moscow workshop".
5 april – 27 april
An exhibition whose title sounds so intriguing and categorical - NOT THEATRE - is being organised by the Union of Theatre Workers of the Russian Federation for the first time. What do production and costume designers create outside the theatre? What do they do when they are not working on a production: do they not do sketches, make layouts or draw blueprints? And do stage designers even have free time to work "for their soul"? This is the question the Commission for Scenography of the STD of the Russian Federation, the initiator of the exhibition, asked itself.
17 march – 16 april
The exhibition 'A Glimpse into the Future' is dedicated to lacquer miniature painting by the conceptual atelier of the author's style (K.A.S.).
24 march – 26 march
On March 24 – 26, at the All-Russian Decorative Art Museum, 4ceramics will present its new creative project, Salon de 4ceramics.
6 april – 9 april
Sergey Parshin's flowers are states of mind, not subject-matter. It is a painstaking glimpse into a kind of "surreal" world, created above the real one, where from the depths and power of the plants assembled in bouquets, from the shifting structure of blooming meadows and fields, there pours a kind of inner music, the harmony of the image, and the possibility of a new life beginning - or a tangible transition to it.
30 march – 16 april
Galina Dokuchaeva's exhibition "Mood in Colours" is timed to coincide with the artist's anniversary. Galina Dokuchaeva is a member of the Union of non-professional artists. She has been painting for more than 10 years. Her favourite technique is oil.
7 april – 9 may
From April 7 to May 9, 2023 the All-Russian Decorative Art Museum will host an exhibition called "When travelling through spaces" dedicated to the work of Moscow artist Natalia Somova.
22 april – 21 may
The exhibition presents more than 100 works by ceramist Tatiana Zubova from the collection of the author and the collection of the All-Russian Museum of Decorative Arts.
21 april – 21 may
The All-Russian Museum of Decorative Arts presents a creative art project "Walks in a dream and in reality".
29 april – 21 may
Orbis terrarum. In the circle of the eternal — an exhibition at the All-Russian Museum of Decorative Arts, organized with the support of Yandex Market and the Crafts project, dedicated to the author's furniture collection by the decorator and curator of the LIFE AESTHETIC project Valeria Sergeeva and the UCLAD manufactory.
18 may – 9 july
The project aims to preserve and popularize the achievements of the ethnic culture of the North, to develop national crafts and to increase the tourist attractiveness of the Far East region.
1 january – 31 december
The All-Russian Decorative Art Museum opens the country's first permanent exposition of national design of the 20th and 21st centuries, "Vesch! Re/Construction". The project includes iconic objects of Soviet designers from the birth of VHUTEMAS School in 1920 to the experimental works of contemporary object designers.
20 may – 23 july
Exhibition "Culture Code. Heritage. Fashion" is dedicated to the enterprises included into the list of "Folk Arts and Crafts of Russia" association, to craftsmen, artists and designers who carry the unique and versatile cultural code of Russia through the years. It is aimed at demonstrating the relevance of folk art and crafts in the modern Russian society. Masters of folk arts and crafts, while preserving the root traditions of the art, continue to develop it today, following modern trends. The works they create: costumes, fashionable details of interiors and everyday life, preserving craftsmanship and practicality inherent in traditional folk culture, look stylish and topical at the same time.
1 june – 13 august
The All-Russian Art Museum Decorative has one of the largest collections of Romanov and Dobrovka toys. These are the brands of the Lipetsk region. The exhibition "A toy of the Lipetsk region. Romanovskaya and Dobrovskaya toys" traces the development of the Romanov and Dobrovskaya toy crafts from the early 20th century to the present day. The viewer will see the works of modern masters and embrace the individuality of the tradition.
27 may – 25 june
The interactive exhibition project is a journey along the road of consciousness and a reassessment of values, the aim of which is to balance life from the domestic to the professional and to find a lifestyle that suits oneself, Art de Vivre (The art of living). In a stream of visual images, one ceases to appreciate the importance of other senses. Thus one deprives oneself not only of a large part of the splendour of the world, but also of the possibility of gnothi seauton ("to know oneself", in Greek).
31 may – 16 july
All-Russian Decorative Art Museum and East Meets West Gallery invite to a personal exhibition "Mythology of Everyday Life and Typology of Images by Tatyana Nazarenko", Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, People's Artist of Russia, Laureate of Russia State Prize.
3 june – 7 june
"Teachers and apprentices" is an art and exhibition project of the best works by young artists and their teachers. It is the outcome of the annual competition "Teachers and apprentices". Dialogue in Art" organized by the International Art Fund with the participation of A.N. Kosygin Russian State University, Moscow Association of Artists of the International Art Fund and Moscow State Academy of Arts and Industry named after S.G. Stroganov.
4 july – 30 july
The All-Russian Decorative Art Museum is opening an exhibition of personal projects by the winners of the contest "Designed and Made in Russia". The young artist Darya Sannikova will show textile diptych created at the Art Production Centre "Vaults".
28 july – 3 september
The All-Russian Decorative Art Museum of opens the exhibition "Kuznetsov's Porcelain Illusions. Collection of the museum "House of Susloparovs". The basis of the exposition are original oilpans and sugar bowls of famous Russian industrialists and entrepreneurs of the late XIX - early XX centuries. Kuznetsovs.
12 september – 14 january
The All-Russian Decorative Art Museum presents an exhibition-installation dedicated to the 150th anniversary of architect Alexei Shchusev, opening up the early period of the architect's work. The project is based on the collection of Shchusev's architectural graphics that dates from his early years. The collection entered the museum in 2020. This time the templates, sketches and dawings in the "Russian style", most of which relate to the famous Marfo-Mariinsky monastery, will be on show.
23 august – 1 october
The All-Russian Decorative Art Museum of presents the exhibition "Stroganovs' Artistic Heritage".
18 august – 8 october
The All-Russian Decorative Art Museum of presents the travelling exhibition "Patchwork Mosaic", which includes author's textile works of the winners and diploma holders of the contest "The Art of Modern Sewing - 2023".
15 september – 29 november
The exhibition will present the collection of objects of folk culture and everyday life of the Russian North It was collected by Igor Kochetkov and Inessa Antypko – the married couple - and donated to the All-Russian Decorative Art Museum in 2021. In total, it consists of 236 items from the second half of the XVIIIth to the middle of the XXth centuries, half of which will be presented at the exhibition for the first time: festive costumes, samples of traditional weaving, decorated with folk embroidery, headdresses. The exhibition will also feature household items: chests, spinning wheels and details of the weaving mill decorated with northern carving and painting, bowls with relief and painted decoration, bronze icons, folds and crucifixes, candlesticks. The exhibition will be complemented by archive photographs from historical and ethnographic expeditions to the Russian North: village landscapes, home interiors, portraits of peasant women.
29 september – 22 october
The All-Russian Decorative Art Museum of will present the projects of the winners of the III contest-biennale of object design "Designed and Made in Russia" by the textile studio LOMM lab.
1 october – 1 november
For a whole month, from 1 October to 1 November, the public garden of the All-Russian Decorative Art Museum will turn into the "Tarusa Wharf". Ten painted flatboats will "dock" to acquaint visitors with the ancient means of transport and with the history of the wonderful town of Tarusa.
18 october – 22 october
The halls of the All-Russian Decorative Art Museum present flower compositions of Ikebana of the Ikenobo and Sogetsu schools, ink painting, calligraphy, origami, small crafts made of komono silk and balls decorated with multicoloured thread temari. And representatives of Omotesenke school acquaint guests with Japanese tea ceremony.
27 october – 5 november
The All-Russian Decorative Art Museum opens an exhibition collage of works by participants of the All-Russian creative competition "CULTURNYKOD.RF", which took place from May to September 2023.
4 november – 10 december
The All-Russian Decorative Art Museum presents a luxurious collection of metal works by Gennady Kubryakov. According to the legend that is fondly told, one day in the early 1980s, a citizen knocked at the museum's records department with a bag through which a newspaper roll was peeping. Introducing himself as Gennady Andreyevich Kubryakov, he said that he wanted to make a gift to the museum and began to carefully unwrap the newspaper, pulling out a beautifully crafted vase in the Russian style. It was a vase by the world-famous firm, on a par with Fabergé, the firm of Ovchinnikov, which today adorns the museum's exposition "Russian Style: from Historicism to Art Nouveau". "I want people to see it. If you exhibit it for two years, I'll give it to you as a gift." Kubryakov gave more than just the vase. In the 1990s, he donated 68 valuable exhibits dating from 1840-1920. These are metal objects of the highest artistic level.
16 november – 7 december
The All-Russian Decorative Art Museum presents an exhibition reflecting Kuban everyday life, traditions and life not only through objects but also through smells.
14 december – 21 january
The All-Russian Decorative Art Museum presents a project of contemporary artists from the town of Tarusa.
8 december – 21 january
The All-Russian Decorative Art Museum presents the exhibition "What Happens on New Year's Eve" as an old decorated fir tree, where a gilded walnut tree neighbours a painted sleigh, a bright clay toy - with a light porcelain angel. Merry winter games and amusements, the tradition of celebrating New Year and Christmas with the hope for the renewal of the world - this is what connects generations, brings together town and village, countries and even continents. At the exhibition everyone can make a trip to the Christmas fair, look at the performance of foreign "artists", look at glass and cotton toys used to decorate the Christmas tree in the twentieth century, marvel at the works of modern authors who have created a real magic fairy tale in the halls of the museum.
15 december – 28 january
The exhibition opens a series of changing expositions that will take place within the frame of Musem’s new long-term project "In the Name of Craft. Crafts and Arts of Russia. Names of the 20th Century". The name of Tatyana Fedorovskaya, Honoured Artist of Russia, Associate Professor of the Department of Decorative and Applied Arts and Design of Gzhel State University, is inextricably linked both with the fascinating history of Gzhel porcelain in the twentieth century and the developments of art education in the famous craft from the 1980s to the present day.
19 december – 21 january
The All-Russian Decorative Art Museum is opening the exhibition "Russian Wedding". This exposition being a real treasury of the most important event in the life of many generations of our ancestors, encapsulating the circle of life, depicted in ancient and beautiful rituals, songs, costumes.
22 december – 28 january
The All-Russian Decorative Art Museum opens an exhibition of art objects created by the WOODZENART team. The designers will present furniture items, panels and compositions reflecting nature - flames, bubbling waters, soft sand, tender grass.
8 february – 10 march
The exhibition "Before Matryoshka. Babensky toy" at All-Russian Decorative Art Museum tells the story of the Moscow region craftsmen who have been turning and polishing simple, clear, bright and entertaining toys for children for more than 150 years: pyramids, eggs, matryoshka dolls, cups, rings, wolves, turrets, balls, skittles. The earliest known date of mentioning the lathe trade is 1843. The museum shows the history of the Babensky trade, its current state and presents a rich collection of Babensky toys, among which there are rare samples collected by the Moscow Crafts Museum.
31 january – 24 february
Jan Levinstein (real name Yakov Ilyich Levinstein 3 February 1923 - 5 September 2010) - a bright representative of Soviet nonconformism. Having lived an intense creative life, Yan Levinstein left behind a wise, life-loving art. The exhibition "Music of Light" presents 50 works by the artist, including portraits of musicians - Richter, Shostakovich, Okudzhava, Sergei and Olga Nikitina. According to Vasilisa Litvinova, project curator, the author managed to perfectly convey the external similarity of the characters and penetrate into their complex inner world using his musical intuition. The artist's natural sense of colour and form, which has forever twinned him with music, has become a reliable foundation for his pictorial creation.
30 january – 31 december
The new exposition reveals surprising aspects of Russian folk life and shows the rarest examples of the folk art from the museum's collection, which was started by the Russian patron of art Sergey Timofeyevich Morozov at the end of the XIXth century.
30 january – 24 april
Ilya Yevdokimov, a famous theatre and film artist, will present his project - "Pryalkosaurus" at the All-Russian Decorative Art Museum.
1 february – 25 february
The exhibition presents the works of Elza Khokhlovkina, a master of the Moscow realistic school of painting, member of the Union of Artists of Russia, and samples of Nizhny Novgorod handicrafts from the collection of the All-Russian Decorative Art Museum.
3 february – 23 february
The All-Russian Decorative Arts Museum opened its venue for an exhibition presenting the history of our country through coins and banknotes.


1 january – 31 december
1 january – 31 december
1 january – 31 december
1 january – 31 december
29 march – 19 april
1 february – 31 may
1 april – 27 april
20 february – 22 may
25 january – 26 april
25 january – 15 may
1 march – 30 march
26 september – 29 september
19 september – 14 november
22 march
March 22, the IV competition-biennale of object design "Designed and made in Russia" started to accept the applications for the participation. The All-Russian Art Decorative Museum will become a platform for participants from all regions of Russia and not only! With the support of the Association "Business Center for Economic Development of the CIS there launched a special project "Commonwealth Design", where designers and brands from the CIS countries can take part.
1 january – 31 december